Data I assembled for teaching or research articles (in some cases with co-teachers or co-authors)
- Eggers and Spirling database (elections, speeches, votes, MPs in UK parliament from 1802) (zipped file, 634M): data used in several articles by Andy Eggers and Arthur Spirling
- Brexit dataset (local authorities in England and Wales) (csv file): EU referendum results from the Electoral Commission website merged with 2011 census data for local authorities in England and Wales (mostly done by Claire Peacock)
- Candidate biographies from the Times Guide to the House of Commons, 1950-1970 (zipped CSV file, 1.2M): used in Eggers and Hainmueller "MPs for Sale" (APSR 2009)
Replication data for published work by others
Teaching worksheets included in many cases.
- Lijphart dataset (csv file): data to replicate results from Arend Lijphart's Patterns of Democracy
- Dataset for David Broockman's 2009 "coat-tails" article (.dta)
- Dataset for Fearon and Laitin 2003 (.RData)
- Dataset for Gartzke "Capitalist Peace" article (.RData)
- Dataset for Gerber, Green, and Larimer's 2008 paper on social pressure household data and individual data (both CSV)