2017 Nuffield Politics Graduate Student Conference
Date: 8 June 2017
Location: Nuffield College conference room (L entry)
Organizers: Andy Eggers and Ben Ansell (with financial support from the Nuffield Politics Group)
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Opening remarks and introduction
Panel 1 10:50-12:35 (Mass politics)
- 10:50 Claudia Zucca [Exeter] "The People’s Jury: Measuring Party Competition with a Network Modeling Approach"
- 11:25 Hanno Hilbig [Harvard] "Pandering or Crafting? How Public Opinion Shapes Elite Rhetoric"
- 12:00 Thomas Kurer [Zurich] "The Declining Middle: Political Reactions to Occupational Change"
12:35-1:25: Lunch
Panel 2 1:25-3:10 (Elections and political elites)
- 1:25 Vuk Vukovic [Oxford] "Corruption and re-election: How much can politicians steal before getting punished?"
- 2:00 Nelson A. Ruiz [LSE] "The power of money: The consequences of electing a donor funded politician"
- 2:35 Anna Petherick [Oxford] "Do Role Models Matter? A Spatial Analysis of Female Mayoral Candidacies in Brazil"
Panel 3 3:20-5:05 (State capacity)
- 3:20 Tanushree Goyal [Oxford] and Sam van Noort [Cambridge] "State capacity and child marriage: evidence from sub-national regions within India"
- 3:55 Roman-Gabriel Olar [Essex] "Do they know something we don’t? Diffusion of repression in authoritarian regimes"
- 4:30 Seung Hoon Chae [Oxford] "Public Executions and State Capacity in North Korea"
Panel 4 5:15-6:25 (British politics)
- 5:15 David Adler [Oxford] "The Political Economy of Exclusion: Wealth Inequality, Welfare Policy, and the Great British Housing Crisis"
- 5:50 Will Allen [Oxford] "How Did the British Press Agendas on Immigration and Asylum Change from 2001-15?"
6:30 For presenters: Drinks in Senior Common Room, followed by dinner in Hall